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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  WBFF  November 10, 2010 6:00am-9:00am EST

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it is supposed to slow you down. >> i was thinking what a big je. >> a mobile speed camera drive caught speeding, how fast he was going when this video was recording. a relaxing vacation comes to a halt. the plan to get passengers on a stranded cruise ship home safely. the man behind the camera becomes the story. why this news crew was attacked. good morning. it's wednesday, november 10th and you're taking a live look at downtown baltimore, very pretty shot
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there. a cool start to the morning, not so bad, though. good morning, i'm patrice harris. meteorologist steve fertig is here and i wasn't going to say it was a cool start because it was warm. it wasn't as bad as some days. >> a little milder and mid-40s for most or upper 40s even, patrice, not a bad start. the way things inne things ende. will end today. that is where we're headed today. 48 degrees is where we start. as patrice, was saying not really as chilly as it could be, 43 degrees in hagerstown and 45 in salisbury. meanwhile the hd radar indicating clear skies. you can see a little bit of cloud cover moving in from the atlantic, you can see the shade of gray trying to move into eastern shore. that is the only place where there's rain accompanying as it the low pressure moves to the northeast. the high pressure comes our way and brings us diminishing winds. only 5-10-mile-an-hour wind.
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that front will bring us a next chance of rain but not until thursday. near 60 degrees for sunday. the next best chance of rain comes until tuesday. for a look at is what a happening on the roadways here is candaae dold with the traffic edge. candace. >> reporter: steve, we have a new accident to talk about on a relatively quiet morning. you will find it on route 40 at deedee road, no lane closures as a result of that one. let's check on 695, it's going to be an easy drive on both the northbound and southbound lanes. in fact, that is what you will find down toward the beltway. as for the beltway, so far, we are in the green there across the board. 795 down toward 95, an 11-minute ride, 54 miles per hour and things look good on 95 through baltimore from the fort mc hen c henry tunnel, with an a 9 minute clip on 895 harbor tunnel toward 895. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, over to you.
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thousands of marylanders have been caught on camera speeding, but what happens when the speed camera operator is caught speeding? megan gilliland is live along i-695 with pictures you're seeing first on fox. good morning, megan. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. speed cameras have been recording all of us for about a year in work zones like this one. they are operated out of vehicles that park along the side of the road snapping pictures as cars go zooming past. take a look at what happens when the cameras are turned around. sunday afternoon a driver going at 80 miles an hhur, claims to have caught one of the speed camera vehicles speeding past him. he says that the speed camera vehicle was flying down i-70 for 10 miles showing no signs of slowing. the driver decided to turn the cameras around using his i-phone he capture the vehicle with the state speed program in the act.
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>> i know they take pictures of the cars for speeding. it was in the last lane and was passing all of the other cars. i was thinking, what a big jerk. they're giving out tickets to people and speeding themselves. i don't think it's right. >> the vehicles are owned by a private company that administrators the state program. state officials are telling us they are addressing the issue to make sure that it doesn't happen again. >> reporter: so far this morning, we haven't seen any of those speeding vehicles go by, but some of you are. right now 50 miles per hour right on the speed limit this morning. baltimore county, megan gilliland. fox 45 morning news. city police are called to the scene of a homicide in northeast baltimore. it happened at 11:30 last night on round hill road near loch raven boulevard. when officers arrived on the scene, thhy found a man who had been shot. his injuries are critical. there's no word on a suspect. a man is flown to shock trauma after being shot in baltimore county.
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gunfire rang out on guy way in dundalk around 8:00 last night. the victim was hit in the chest. there's no information on his condition at this time. police don't have a suspect or a motive in the incident. a former state university student accused of murder will hear his sentence. tyrone hall is accused of killing brandon carroll a basketball player. tyron pled guilty to charges last month which limits his possible time behind bars on 8 years. maryland prison is under scrutiny after they find that the prison paid $23,000 in bank fees because of poor accounting. it also found that workers had access to blank checks. >> well, the state right now has a $1.6 billion deficit. we can't afford 23,000 here, $5,000 or anything else.
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all of these things add up. >> the state is now investigating. the decision by state lawmakers to reject new education regulations could jeopardize maryland's share of federal race to the top fund. a panel voted on against the regulation that would require based on the teacheration to be achievement. the problem is the regulation was first taken up to improve the state chances of win federal money. some are worried that without it, maryland risks losing the $250,000 it won. >> it will impact the contract. it will impact our assessments. it will impact the way we're going to introduce our core curriculum and the technology in our it will have a huge impact. >> governor o'malley says he won't risk losing the money and he could still impose the regulation without legislative support. today analysts will brief maryland lawmakers on the state's fiscal condition.
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analysts will outline the budget deficit in order to better help lawmakers balance the budget. it's estimated that maryland's budget deficit for the next fiscal year stands at roughly $1.2 billion. a muslim civil rights group is outraged over the difficult y they're having of obbaining passports. they are arguing that the u.s. is delaying the passports to those who are making pilgrim ages to saudi arabia. they also seized passports causing them to miss their flights. month response from the u.s. government. a greenhouse and the result could affect bees and your food. joelld smith is live on the top of the building in northeast baltimore with the man behind the plan. good morning, joel. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. maybe this is your future. we're looking at a green roof here in the middle of the city.
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vie cool. they installed this, and we will get into the cost with green roof service. you have been doing this in europe for many, many years, it's finally catching on in the u.s. >> it's coming up in the u.s. we saw a couple of them in baltimore area and all across the u.s. it's very nice to see that this technology is catching up. >> reporter: we know cost is a big factor. how much does it cost. >> you have to add 12 to $15 a square foot for the portion of it. >> reporter: but if people want to do this for their home, their residential home they can do this and we're looking at maybe $10,000? >> it depends on the size, but this is a good number to start. also, you can get benefits from the state and the city. >> reporter: tax benefits, too? >> yes, absolutely. >> reporter: we're looking at what are the benefits. it looks nicer than a flat,
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dusty roof. what are the benefits. >> we keep a lot of rainwater up here. we store it and we evaporate it. we make the entire environment here cooler. >> reporter: we also a a tracking bees with some of the plants that are here and that is good for everybody, too. >> absolutely. these are important pollinate or for the plants. they are important for the plants and are responsible for most of the feed, actually. >> reporter: and we heard in recent years there's a lack of bees. patrice, if anything can bring them back even to an environment like this, that is good news. >> you were talking about the cost, what is the cost again forking and like that. >> reporter: we're looking at $15 per square foot. we're averaging out maybe 1,000 sq. ft. for most homes. $10,000, you take way from tax credits. a row home, closer to $5,000. it's doable, people just got to commit to it. >> joel, thank you. an tack on a news crew
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caught on tape. mourners at a memorial service grew upset after a camera man interviewed a man without permission. that is when a family member walked up to a crewman and shoved him down and punched him this the face. only thing is the mourners attacked the photographer from the wrong t.v. station. of course, cameras from oovmentr station were rolling all the time. two people were arrested for that ak taz and attack. larry was shopping inside of a canadian convenient store when i a robber came in demanding cash from the clerk. larry whh is confined to the wheelchair captures the suspect in a head lock, subduing him until the clerk can call 911. you see him going in there and grabs him. the clerk says he wishes there were more people like larry.
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he is not letting go. >> money is not everything. that is good for the friendship relationship. that is going to go a long way. that is the reason we work as a team and in our neighborhood we make sure. >> that is what neighbors are voted. >> yeah. >> and what people do in our community. >> larry has been in a wheelchair ever since he was in an atv accident 10 years ago. coming up from relaxing retreat to a real life and nightmare. what is keeping passengers on one cruise ship stranded in the middle of the ocean. and i'm emily gracie, live at jo
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tie into a miracle. people all across maryland are wearing ties today that are designed by a critically ill children. meteorologist emily gracie is live with all of the details for this morning's hometown hot spot. and these ties are pretty fancy. >> they are very fancy. we got them at fox 45. everybody is wearing them and i have mine on. i'm going to talk to the artist but i'm going to talk with patrice from hopkins. this has been going on for years. where do the proceeds go on from these sales. >> they go to fund the things that we can't do to insurance companies alone. there are so many programs you need to do to help the kids get well. the patient and family care center benefits. families do with coffee grab and go. there's not enough we can do for kids and we got to have the
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miracle ties to do the work. >> and jos a bank is helping you by selling the ties and a great christmas present. >> they are. i know my family gets them every year. >> these kids are adorable. tell me about this. >> i make one every time i go to there and i always play with them and it. >> do they make you feel better? >> yeah. >> thank you for sharing and lexi, you actually designed the tie that i'm wearing. you're wearing it, where did you get idea for this? >> when i was the ee we were handing out ceiling tiles and i was painting a fish on it. >> reporter: people across maryland are wearing these ties this morning. i'm wearing it, steve is wearing it. you can find more information on how to get the ties here at jos
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a bank. it's mostly sunny skies, winds will be lighter, too, breezy yesterday and steve, we're both sporting the tie here from lexi. this is the artist of our tie. >> wow. >> i feel honored to be here. >> absolutabsolutely. i kind of the got the reverse image, but we're both wearing lexi's tie. what a great grea program to su. let's see what is going on weather wise. there should be no problem getting to jos a bank clothier. you can see we got dry conditions right now. sky watch indicating a dry scan and 48 degrees for the starting temperature. it will be a nice, mild day as the temperatures get to the low 60s like yesterday. in fact, we should see plenty of sunshine with it. it should make for a nice day, northwest winds at 5-10 miles hour. while it's 47 in d.c. 45 in salisbury and up in hagerstown 42, 41 out in oakland.
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you can see the low pressure moves slowly off to the east, but high pressure gets closer. the winds and diminish the strength and only 5-10-mile-an-hour wind. a next chance of showers not coming until next tuesday as the next forgotte frontal boundariep in the direction. a little cooler than elsewhere. central part of the state, climbs to 61 degrees which should be comfortable enough mostly clear skies with a 5-10-mile-an-hour wind. back to the west look for a high temperature there of 61 degrees with plenty of sun, 5-10 miles per hour. tonight, 51 degrees and the clear skies for the most part. winds at 5-10 miles per hour. not as breezy today than tonight. veterans day, cooler ut pretty with lots of sunshine. 60 ask 62 for the friday, saturday and sunday, all with plenty of sun, a high of 58 and showers possible going through the same chance on tuesday with
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a high of 57. here is candace dold with a the traffic edge. candace. >> reporter: it's been a relatively quiet morning on many of the main lines. right now you will see why. 64 miles per hour travelinggat harford road. it dips down to 48 miles per hour on 95 through whitemarsh and 63 on 95 moving right near 395. we do have an accident to talk about in saints burg. you will find a crash aa route 140. at dd road, there's no lane and road closures to report. you can still get by the area. let's take a live look at 795 traveling at cockeysville. that seg t going to be light ac, all in all not a bad ride on the corridor. that is what you will find toward the beltway. let's see who is on beltway on liberty road. let's take a look at the outer loop lanes. we will start with a lot of cars congregating down toward the triple bridges.
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even the inner loop just a bit up toward pikesville. so far, moving from 795, up through reisterstown road and eventually up toward the 83. it's all in the green there. shawan road moving through hunt valley. it's going to be a breeze in both directions. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, over to you. thank you, candace. as you may know the issue of what cable companies like comcast should pay for the right to carry broadcast stations like fox 45 has been in the news lately of the we want to know what you our viewers think our value is. is it worth $2 a month to receive all the programming we provide to you? that includes everything we show over the course of a month, things like the super bowl, glee, the world series, american idol, house and, yes, of course, all of us here on fox 45 morning news and all the local news we provide, 6 hours a day. that is $2 per month for every bit of our programming, 24 hours
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a day, 7 days a week. and before you answer, think about this. think about what you pay for other entertainment. ravens tickets cost $65. a single video game like madden, $60. ordering a movie from comcast costs about $5 and even a movie from netflix is one. that is for one movie that lasts a couple of hours. now we believe that we offer the ggeatest entertainment value out there and $2 a month which works out to something like $0.6 a day is a great bargain, but of course, we want to hear from you. so should cable and satellite provider use $2 of the fees they already collect for you to continuing receiving fox 45 programming? go to and tell us what you think, or sound off through facebook. you can send us a tweet at fox baltimore or you can text your answer to 45203, enter fox 45a
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for yes or fox 45b for no. -p coming up the value of god soars to a new high price. how much an ounce of gold is now worth. and stranded at sea. a cruise vacation turns into a desaster. we will tell you what happened on board and how the 4500 passengers are said to @ i'm losing energy... i need a home performance with energy star audit to find out why! this sensor will show why my living room gets too hot and too cold!
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hm... need some heating and cooling system work. and insulation will help stop the drafts. get up to $2,450 dollars in rebates and keep saving with home performance with energy star. get started at ahhh, now i'm comfortable- and energy efficient! the most powerful half ton crew in america has a powertrain backed for 100,000 miles.
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that's forty thousand more than ford. chevy silverado. the most dependable, longest-lasting full- size pickup on the road. use your all-star edition discount for... a total value of six thousand dollars on a 2011 silverado. see your local chevrolet dealer. >>cruise ship passengers hoping for a relaxing retreat on the open sea are getting more than they bargained for. as andy rose tells us, their trip has quickly turned into a nightmare. >> reporter: what was supppsed to be a dream vacation is turning out to be a desaster for passengers on board the
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carnival cruise ship splendor, sitting 200 off the california coast. >> the fire has been put out. the vessel is safe. >> reporter: help arrived on tuesday thanks to the u.s. millitary. 60,000 ounds of food, bottlee water and supplies provided by carnal cruise lines. they helicoptered the materials -rom the uss ronald reagan positioned next to the cruise ship. the near lie 4500 passengers and crew members are doing okay. >>the weather is amenable to that. they got water. they got food so we have no reports of any major distress from any of the passengers. >> reporter: no distress, but there's still no in telephones or hot food. the splendor is being slowly towed to san diego and shhuld arrive on tuesday evening. a family member from one of the passengers says she is frustrated with the delay.
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>> i don't understand why it's taking this long. i would think they would find a more convenient way or a better way to get them home safely or quickly. >> reporter:quickly. coming up a popular children's car seat is being recalled by the manufacturer. what harm it could cause your child in the event of a crash. and next general motors is saying goodbye to its good wrench service. where customers will have to get rule the tweet.
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rule the bedtime. rule the upload. verizon built america's most reliable network to make a more powerful you. rule the air. verizon. right now, you can get a new samsung fascinate for $199.99 after mail-in rebate. only at verizon.
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there's new concern about inflation and that sent gold prices to another record close the dow ell 60 points. the s&p 500 lost 4.8%.
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a little bit of positive news in the small business sector. the national federation of independent business reported its index of optimism gained a few points in october. the index is prerecession levels, but it appears to be the start f an improving cycle. a study found that even the wealthiest americans didn't give as much to charity last year. it fell to $54,000 llst year, compared to $83,000 from the prerecession period in 2007. people feel they have less money to give away. mr. good wrench is packing up his tool chest and leaving general motors. gm is dropping the grued good gh name. instead customers will have access to chevrolet, gmc or cadillac certified service. i'm stan case.
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coming up, caught in the act, a police sergeant urination display captured by his own dash cam. what happened when his bosses found out. and caught on camera, a speed camera operator caught speeding. i'm megan gilliland, what state highway officials have to say about. and check out this skyline. i'm joel d smith, high above baltimore on one of only green roofs in the entire region.3 next, we will tell you why this
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6:31 is the time. i'm patrice harris. let's check in with meteorologist steve fertig. good morning, steve. good morning, patrice. i've got some help herement it'. it's weather kid wednesday. >> where do you go to school. >> clark berg middle. >> and you're from columbia. >> right. >> you're going to be doing the full weather for us. >> yes, i am. >> i think you're going to be terrific. i'm getting nervous. right now the temperatures in hagerstown, 42 degrees in baltimore, 48 degrees and down in salisbury 46 degrees. it should be a mild day as temperatures climb. we will see plenty of sunshine. we should get up to as we said, 61 degrees. it should be a comfortable day, shouldn't it? >> yes.
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>> right now what do you want to do. >> i would like to thank? >> we will get to that later, but you want to toss to. can. >> reporter: i'm not as important as the family. we want to talk about an accident in baltimore. it's a crash involving a police vehicle. there's no injuries reported at this time, but you will find thú activity at moravia park drive, as for 95 traveling through rosedale. take a look outh of the beltway, you can see it's a slow ride on the southbound lanes heading toward the 895 meet up. as for 95 from whitemarsh toward the beltway, we're in the green. 4 minutes, 54 miles per hour. the same speed with only an 11 minute clip from 95 toward 83 and 795 down toward 95 is in the green as well. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, back over to you. first on fox, exclusive pictures of what appears to be
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speed camera operators speeding down the road. megan guild land is live a -- gilliland is live along 695 where the cameras hhve been turned. good morning, megan. >> reporter: patrice, the speed camera operators have been set up in areasslike these. they are actually operated out of these vehicles snapping pictures of cars that go zooming past, but take a look at what happens hen the cameras are turned. sunday afternoon, a driverrgoing 80 miles per hour claims to have caught one of those speed camera vehicles speeding right past him. so he pulled out his i-phone and started recording. the vehicle with the state safe speed program was flying down 70 for at least 10 miles showing no signs of slowing down. at one point when the driver got close eeough, he saw the safe speed vehicle slammon the brakes and then keep going. >> they think they can't get tickets. they can't get in trouble because they're the ones issuing
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the tickets. that is messed up. that is the only reason i took the video. if it was a ups truck speedtion i wouldn't care. >> state highway officials tell us they are addressing the issue to make sure that this doesn't happen again. so far this morning, we have not seen any speed camera operators speeding by. we have seen some of you speeding. taking a look at things right now, so far things look pretty good, 39 miles per hour in a 50-mile-an-hour zone, so far so good. megan gilliland. fox 45 morning news. a settlement is reached in the case of st. joseph's medical center implanting unnecessary stents in several patients. the hospital as agreed to repay the money it received from medicaid and medicare, but still says it did nothing wrong. the doctor at the center of the case, denies the wrongdoing saying he was just following protocol. he is now suing the hospital for fraud, invasion of privacy and
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emotional distress. >> i can promise every onn of my patients that what i did was what i would want for myself, for anybody in my family, my ú%ther, my father. they were treated appropriately and with the highest regard for their well being. the hospital has agreed to pay a total of $22 million. the woman who lied aaout having cancerrand scammed thousands of dollars from sympathetic friends gett3 additional jail time. 38 years old din l oarks ni was sentenced to 12 years bind bars for the scam. now she has been sentenced for annther six years because the cancer scam conviction is a proilingviolation of probation r casss where she was found guilty of mortgage fraud. police make a major drug bust in baltimore. police say 30 years old vincent davis and 29 years old jesse
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operations. the warehouse on curtis avenue had been under surveillance for weeks. with so many plants an eeaborate ventilation system had been put in place to hide the smell of pot. a company is practicing what it preacces starting at the top with a special green roof. joel d smith is live on top of that roof to show us why the idea could reeult in a greener bay, better food, a lot of benefits from this. good morning, joel. ú% reporter: good morning. patrice. a lot of good benefits. i'm going to get to diane o'dell, you helped to design the vegetation here. tell us why you designed in this design? >> the seeds are used on the roof because they are hearty. >> reporter: which colors re those. >> they are all ssdums and different varieties and they're hearty in the environment on the roof.
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we combine them with those that bloom in may and june, separate other plants to create ever blooming gardens. >> reporter: keeping it attractive for the bees. they got the hive in here, uninhabited right now. what do you picture in the future. >> we will have a hive that is habited and they will like thee3 environment. >> reporter: if they llke the environment, they will go out and ppllinate everything else. and the run off is a lot healthier than it woold be otherwise. green roof, it's right here. we're live in north baltimore. joel dflt smith d smith, for 45g news. all this week we're hon honoring our nation's hero. jacob and drew. jacob is in the army and ssent 15 months in iraq and is now stationed in fort meade. drew is now stationed in
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california. she thanks everyone for their ttoughts and prayers aad it helps her family get through these long yeaas. we are honoring our nation's heroes on fox 45. picture of your millitaryd us a friends or family members and we will honor them with a special salute. just send your photos to pics aú an ohio police serggant is caught on his own dash cam urinating on the job. sergeant richard cotrell's bosses decided to check his cam after receiving complaints that no one could reach him while on duty. that is when they discovered him urinating into lake erie a block from the police station. he was found to take breaks while clocked in and tending to personal business. as a result of the investigation, the officer has been demoted. coming up crash tests show these car seats could hurt your child if you're involv involvedn accident. what one company ii doing to fix
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the probbem. and you are taking a live look at 83 at york road in northern baltimore county. we're already starting to see brake lights on those southbound lanes. i will show you what parts of whoa, whoa! [ car alarm blares ] we got this. holiday decorating runs on dunkin', with our delicious gingerbread lattes. hurry in today. america runs on dunkin'. boy we wish hadn't told you to start looking over your shoulder.
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♪ we were gonna sneak up on ya. ya know, with our 1.4 liter turbo charged engine and our six speed automatic transmission. shhhh... we're going hunting. it's civic season. ♪ the all-new chevrolet cruze. starting under $17,000. get used to more. ♪
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you want to say hi to anybody first.3 >> hi to my parents, my brothers and sisters and my science teachers along with my other teachers. >> that will cover it. good grades coming up. >> yeah. >> we met you earlier and you told us that you're 11 years old and 5th grade as we heard from columbia, right? >> yeah. >> we are going to have you do
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the weather. >> yeah. >> let's turn it this way. michael what is going on out there. >> 48 degrees, clear skies and the winds are moving north-northwest at 6 miles per hour. the humidity is at 73% and the pressure is 30.06 inches steady. dew point is 40 degrees fahrenheit. >> excellent. and let's see what we have as far as temperatures. >> up in hagerstown 42 degrees, while down in baltimore, not muuh more, 48 and in salisbury 46. >> excellent, and sky watch hd radar. >> clear. p> pretty much and the closest rain is where? >> up new england, probably won't reach us. >> what is going to bring us a nice day. >> the high pressure is moving in? and itts going to bring us plenty of. >> sunshine. >> and what about the low a little rain, maybe. >> next tuesday. >> thanks, because i was going tooconsult with yoo about that. the forecast for today? >> today we're going to have mosmostly sunny with a few clou.
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62 degrees the temperatures. >> tonight?3 >> tonight 39-deggee temperatures, north winds at 5-10 miles per hour and as you can see clear skies. %-what about the seven-day forecast. let's start with today. >> on wednesday, we're going to be having 61-degree temperatures, well, today, cloudy. thursday through saturday, 58 to 62 degrees, sunny the whole time. >> great. >> sunday we will have 61-degree temperatures, partly cloudy. oo monday we will have 58 with a few clouds. >> uh-huh. >> tuesday, 57 degrees with a low of 47 and a 30% chance of rain. >> excellent job and you want to toss it back to patrice. >> back to you patrice. >> michael, that is on impressive. what do you want to do when you grow up. what company do you want to take over. >> i have no idea, i just don't want to work with people's insiie. i want to work with their outside. i will say that [ llughter ]
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>> [applause] [ laughter ] >> but that sounds like a good point. >> did you have fun doing the weather? >> yeah. >> very good. michael, it was a pleasure having you here. i love it, i love it. you know you're going to be a big star what you go to school today. you're going to have to sign autographs, are you ready for that? >> yes. >> if you want your kid to be a part of weather kid wednesday. just send steve a note at 2,000 west 41st street at baltimore, maryland 21211 or drop him a line at now let's check in with candace dold who has the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, patrice. what a way to brighten our day. good job, michael. on 95, traveling through whitemarsh, 25 miles per hour there. now let's talk about what is happening, though, there's an accident in baltimore. it's on amber wood road. at moravia park drive.
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it's involving police vehicleú there's no injuries reported but will at least find the activity scooting through the area. on 95 through rrsedale, of pretty much the usual deal.g up, on the top end of the beltway taking a look at harford road, you can he so the out you are loor lanes, it's going to be delayed from harford toward the perring parkwood exit. and 695 is getting busy traveling through pikesville as well heading toward springville avenue. and 695 at liberty road, that's going to be a busy spot for you, you are going to find the cars bridges. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, back to you. thank you, canddce. %-called the incredible machine. that is what you can win from fox 45. we're giving away a ya maha7.1 in a box.
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we will take 10 qualifiers and draw the grand prize winner on friday. each qa qualifier gets a cd. go to for the official rules. coming up after just a day in indonesia. president obama skipped ahead to the next part of his asia tour, what caused his visit o be cut short. and calf is considering a ban on happy meals. if fast food joints don't add more nutrition to their meals. is this something
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the fast food chain makes the meals more tru nutritious. this is an example of big brother taking away our choices. a dieeician with st. joseeh medical center joins us with this morning with a look at these bans and about our health in general. >> good morning. >> in baltimore there was a restaurant that got find for having too much trans fat. they want to ban the happy meals. are we in such bad shape that we need all of this intervention? >> looking at the obesity trend among our children, it's frightening to see.
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70% of our children between 2 and 19 are actually obese. it doesn't help. >> it doesn't help. >> apparently parents, you know, we -- it's hard to say no, sometimes. >> yeah. >> alllright, let's talk - since the happy meal was the topic of conversation at least as a ban. what is in a happy meal? what are kids getting if this a meal that they eat once or twice or 5 times a week? >> there's different options. you can get your happy meal with fries and a low fat milk. >> the calooies would add to 700 calories. >> 700 for this one meal. >> yes. >> how much fat on that. >> 25 to 27 grams. >> what should a kid have in a typical meal in terms of calories and fat. >> a preschooler no more thhn 400. an older kid can get away with 5 or 700 calories. itts a lot of calories what a little kid should have? >> that is almost double what they can have.
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>> chicken nuggets. >> it's heelthier. you can get away with this meal for 580 calories and less on the fat but nothing dramatically. >> but the problem is if you eat %-your diet is througgout the wk if you don't have time to cookú and stop there. >> there you go. >> parents don't have time and sometimes it's hard to say no to your kids but you have to. you haae a program that helps to get the kids on a target weight. >> we started a program create your weight. you come this and go through classes approximat and learn hoo shop. and we have kid's men use. it doesn't mean that you have to eat this. they have been saaing that the kid can eat what you eat. >> there are ways to learn wwat to do and eat safely. you all can help them do that. >> that was a good lesson for people because i'm sure they don't know how much fat is in one meal.
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>> when you start looking at it. >> doctor, thank you very much. coming up if you own ooe of these car seats made by even flo you may want to contact the ú%nufacturer, what its doing to make them safer for children. you might see people wearing similar looking ties. we will tell you what miracle
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even flo oneeof largest manufacturers of baby and child3 gear is recalling one of its safety seats after it failed consumer report crash tests. it's the $80 even flo maestro. the recall covers more than 80,000 seats made through april of this year.
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>> reporter: this combination toddler booster seat the even flo maest rorkro is designed for children 50 to 80 pounds. >> whons you clionce you clip tn you pull on the harness. >> reporter: on a 50-mile-an-hour test that consumer reports two the seats failed. >> the seat cracked. this adjust or pulls back through the shell and allowed harness too loosen. >> reporter: when you look at the ccash again, you can see the strap getting pulled back through the seat which allows the harness to loosen. >> it allows the child to move much further forward exposing their neck to injury as well as increasing their potential for injury. it came with the 3 years oll using the hhrness. one way the seat was installed
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with the latch team and one where it was installed on the seatbelt system. >> reporter: even flo issued a recall built between november of 2009, and 2011. you can check the label on the top. this is james andrews. coming up, see harry potter and theedeathly hollows before the rest of baltimoree part one of epic finale is in threaters on november 19th. but stay tuned for your chance to win tickets to an advanced screening. and caught on camera, a speed camera operator speeding. i'm megan gilliland. i'm megan gilliland. which state highway these sausage pancake bites are an amazing combination. combine that with the taste, and it's a combo combo. huh?
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dunkin's new sausage pancake bites. sausage inside maple-flavored pancake -- 3 for just $1.59. america runs on dunkin'.
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[ car alarm blares ] we got this. holiday decorating runs on dunkin', with our delicious gingerbread lattes. hurry in today. america runs on dunkin'.
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it's supposed to slow you down. >> i wassjust thinking what a a mobile spped camera driver caught speeding. how fast it was going when this video was recorded. it's the gift that keeps on giving. what to know before you buy a what do you do if you get a spill like this all over your kitchen floor. ú% it promises big cleaning power for the biggest spills. we put the smart mop to the will it work test.
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good morning. it's wednesday, november 10th. it's a beautiful start to the day looking out over the baltimore skyline. good morning, i'm patrice harris. let's get a check with meteorologiss steve fertig and see if it will feel as pretty as it looks out there. hey, you know what, starting off in the 40s is not so bad. we will get into the low 60s i >> thht is not bad. >> not bad at 61. we won't be that far into the 60s but not bad to enjay mild temperatures. take a look at sky hd radar. temperatures cooler in hagerstown at 39 but still all in all, 40s out there and the bus stop ffrecast 40 degrees. really looking like a nice day shaping up with mainly clear
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skies. 65 for the high temperature. let's see what is happening on the roadways with candace dold. candace. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we do have an accident north of the pennsylvania line south of 83. it's generally jammed from the line heading down toward the actual mason dixon border. in fact, here is a live look at 83 at york road. we have our fair share of volume here just farther down it's going to see a bit of congestion as well.ú once you approach the beltway, the outer loop lanes from 83 up toward 795, it's getting busy but now we're in the green, 10 minutes at 44 miles per hour. takinggit from 795 down toward3 95, a 17-minute trip, 36-mile per hour there. that is going to be the sluggish go. as for 895, nothing to complain about, 9 minutes at 55 miles per hour. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice,,over to you. thousands of marylanders have been caught on camera
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speeding. but what happens when the speed camera operator is caught speeding? megan gilliland is live along 695 with pictures you're seeing first on fox. good morning, megan. >> reporter: hi, patrice. the speed cameras have been recording all of us for a year in the work zones zones. if fact there's one here over my shoulder, the white vehicle there. the cameras are operated out of those vehicles, snapping pictures as the cars o zooming past. take a look at what happens when the cameras are turned. on sunday afternoon, a car going at 80 miles per hour claims to have caught you know of those speed camera vehicles. the speed camera vehicle was flying down if 70 for at least 10 miles. he decided to use his i-phone. he captured the vehicle with the ssate speed program in the act. >> he knew they take piitures of cars for speeding. it was in the last lane and
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passing all of the other cars. i was thinking what a big jerk. they are giving out tickets to people and speeding themselves, i don't think it's right. >> the vehicles arr owned about about a private company that program. they are looking into this to make sure this doesn't happen. so far this morning we have not seen any speed operators speeding in this area. as far as the speed, 35 miles per hour in a 50 miles per hour zone. they'rr taking ii slow, obviously they have noticed the operator across the street. megan gilliland. fox 45 morning news. city police are calleddtoú the scene of a homicide on northeast baltimore. it happened at 11:30 on lot hill road at loch raven boulevard. when officers arrived they found a man who had been shot. he later died at john hopkins. there's no word on a suspect. trauma after he is bound in
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baltimore county. the victim was hit in the chest. there's no information on his condition at this time. pplice don't have a suspect or a motive in the incident. today analysts will brief maryland lawmakers on the state'ssfiscal condition. analyst will outline the budget deficit in order to better help lawmakers balance the budget. it's estimated that maryland's budget deficit for the next fiscal year stands at roughly $1.22billion. a warehouse in baltimore is going green starting at the top. the results could affect bees and even your food. joel d smith is live on the roof from the building in northwest baltimore with the man behind the plan. good morning, joel. >> reporter: hey, there. we are here and what a great view. can you imagine, we have the vegetation. it looks like you're in a little park, but you're actually looking over the city as well. here in the middll of town is the idea for this. we talked to york a while ago and diane is taking it to the
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next level with the vegetation. when you are not on top of roofs like these. >> design houses and small commercial buildings. >> reporter: what challenge was this and how did you decidd what to do? >> the roof is a nice landscape design. so it's -- this garden was planned for thh bees. ththe seed um is typically used. this roof is special in that we were able to do deep planting and introduce shrubs, too. >> reporter: tell us why having bees is important no matter what you eat and where you live? >> the ees are threatened now and urban environment is one of reasons why. so we're creating a bee habitat in the urban environment. >> reporter: pretty cool, fighting back. how uniiue for something like that, now? >> actually, this is the first one in country. >> reporter: that is as
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unique as it gets. they're trying to fight back there and give the bees a better chance in this urban environment. this is brand new, as you heard, first in the nation. >> for the green roof itself, that is not a new thingg but how popular is that in the city. >> reporter: in the city, i don't think thess are anywhere right now even the green roof itself. is there another one? >> they're starting to come up. %-there but nothing quite like this and it's still a costly thing. you got to commit to it. this is a conservation company that this is their warehouse. that is why they get into these. those have payoffs ann certainly environmentally. >> we will see you up on the roof in a while. >> reportee: okay. soldiers based out of fort meade will have a new place to turn if they find themselves in immediate oneed of help. the space is more than 4500 sq. ft. and provides a space to get
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counseling and learn about government benefits and obtainn3 revels to outsidreferrals to ous and they. >> we are honoring our nation's -eros with a salute. we have a picture of her husband and 5 children. he served in the 113dc air national guard. you can send us a picture of your millitary friends and %-them with a special soldiernor salute. just send your photos to pics at or go to and click on soldier salute on the hot topic tab. as you may know the issue of what cable companies like to carry bead cast stations like fox 45 has been in the news lately. we want to know what you our viewers think our value is. is it worth $2 a month to receive all the programming we provide you? that includes everything we show over the course of a month.
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things like the super bowl, glee, the world series, american idol, house, and yes, all of us here on fox 45 morning news and all the local news we provide 6 hours a day. that is $2 per month for every bit of our programming, 24 hours a day,,7 days a week. before you answer, think about this, think about what you pay for other entertainment. a ravens ticket costs about $55, u2 tickets, $100 each. a single game like madden costs $60. ordering a movie from coocast that is $5 and a movie from netflix you're goiig to pay $1 that is one movie and it lasts a couple of hours. we believe that we offer the greatest entertainment value out there and $2 a month which works out to $0.6 a day is a bargain. we want to hear from you our viewers. here is the question, should cable and satellite ppoviders use $$ of fees they already
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collect, this isn't a new fee of what they already collect for you to continue receiving fox 45 programming? just go to and tell us when you think. through facebook. sounded off text your answer to 45203, enter fox 45a for yys or fox 45b for no. coming up the ravens have a quick turn around this week, but the game on thursday night, find out how they're getting ready for the falcons. i'm eeily gracey live at the kenilworth shop. it's miracle tie 3
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tie tooether fashion and good deeds. it's miracle tie ddy in maryllnd. youucan help raise money for children who are sick. meteorologist emily gracey is
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live with the details for this morning's hometown hot spot. and this is such a great program, emily. it is, patrice, i saw youú thhs morning, and you wereenot wearing a tie. i'm trying to figure out where your tie is? >> i do have a tie. i gave it away to a guy that would wear it mooe so than i was. >> no worries. i have mine on. i know steve has his on. everybody here has their tie on. we're at jos a bank. the ties, how much are they? >> $59.50. >> reporter: a small price to pay and all of proceeds go to a these are the actual artists behhnd the ties. all of the tiee that we're wearing, lexi designed the tie she is wearing and the one that i'm wearing. it seems very popular and patrice is with the childrrn inner center of hopkins. where are the proceeds going? %-things that the kids andfor families need to help the kids get well that he can't cover it
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%->> reporter: you know one of the tie designers. anthony, how old are you? >> 8. >> and you designed the tie that you're wearing what is it? >> monkeys. >> where did you get the idea for monkeys. >> because i like to act like a monkey. >> so you're a little monkey yourself, [ laughter ] looter you can come ouall right. you can come out here and buy the ties. for more information on the ties go to and it will be a little warmer here this morning. temperatures in the low 60s today and less of a breeze northerly, a light breeze at 5-10. steee, we're both wearing the fish ties. this is the artist right here. she designed this.3 >> i love my tie. >> iiknow, it's terrific. >> our meteorologist loves the tie. >> absoluttly. you know what, i think they all have future of designers if they want to be.3 >> i'm really, really impressed yeah. >> and a great cause. take a look at what is happening
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out there. weather wise, we got dry conditions and 48 degrees for %-inner harbor.mperature at the paatliy skies. it's going to be a very pretty day, almost as pretty as the ties we're wearing. sphi73% relative humidity, and s the dew point. so with that moisture out there the temperatures haven't dropped as much as they did yesterday. temperature in baltimore, 47 in d.c. and 47 in salisbu. 39 and cooler at hagerstown, oakland not bad at 41. low pressure is going to move off to he east as it continues to do so watching that one from new england and it may anders there. it slow low move slowly moves o. the high pressure center that is getting closer and we will still get a northerly flow pretty much. that will keep things dry and mild to us. the air compresses over the mountains. take a look at what we're going to see down the road, mayye the
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low pressure center that will bring us a 30% chance of showers, but not until next tuesday. 58 degrees for the high. partly cloudy for the eastern shore. we will see a best chance of more cloud cover and windier there, too at 10-15-mile per hour wind. central part of the state, 10-15-mile per hour wind and a high of 61 degrees which comes at 6:00 this afternoon. back to the west a high temperature of 61 as well with a lot of sunshine. 39 for the overnight low, pretty nice with 5-6 miles per hour. and tomorrow, veterans day, 68 degrees. we are back in the low 60s for friday and saturday, more sun, mostly unny and 51 on sunday and more clouds on monday ith a high of 58. and again, just a 30% chance of a shower on tuesday with a high of 57 degrees. now for a look at what is what is happening on the roadways. candace dold is back wwth a look at the roadways. candace. >> reporter: pretty much the usual deal through whitemarsh. the southbound lanes through the beltway looking at 9 miles per hour.
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16 miles per hour on the outer loop lanes of the beltway. that is traveling at harford road and 45 on the jfx. we do want to talk about 833 in fact, there's a crash on the southbound lanes, it's about a mile north of that maryland, pennsylvania line, but it's generally jammed ttere.ú in fact, we do have delabels, da little bit past the scene. allow yourself extra time if you're headed on that corridor. once you approach the 83 moving through hunt valley, let's take a live look at shawan road and northbound and southbound lanes of that just getting by just fine in both directions. in fact, southbound looking good toward the beltway. as for the beltway, take a live look at york road this morning, no incidents to complain about, but just dealing with the sheer volume. you can see cars that are starting to get a cramped ride down toward the 83. taking it through the 83, all the way toward greenspring avenue and eventuaaly reisterstown road, you will find the volume but no significant delays to talk toward 795. let's take a live look around the bend at libbrty road for
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you, the outer loop lanes we have had our fair share of delays there this morning. that only continues toobe the case, and drivers trying to inch their way around toward 70. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, over to you. >> thank you, candace. sugar land's new cd is called the incredible machine. that is what you can win from fox 45. we are giving away a yamaha7.1 channel in a box to a viewer. the second prize is an ipod nano. you can qualify right now by being 10th caller at (410)481-4545. each qualifier gets a copy of sugar land the
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new this morning. it's named blackout n a can. today washington state is expected to ban the alcohol energy drink called for loco. students got sick after consuming a drink at an off campus party last month. a single 24-ounce can is comparable to dinking 5 or 6 beers. mysterious sites in the skies over los angeles has the defenss department on alert. experts and government officials are scrambling to explain exactly what this is. some are concerned that it might be a missile, but so far the pentagon says there's no evidence to support a foreign launch. president barack obama is now in southhkorea where he will meet with the leaders of the op global economy. air force one touched down a couple of hours ago. he will be a part of the g20 summit. mm. obama left indonesia early
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because the ash from the volcano %-one.have grounded air force good morning, everybody. here is your first look at sports. with their victory over the miami dolphins, the ravens profile has risen igher. indeed they havv the number one in the nfl ahead of second place, wait for it. pittsburgh. and that of course makes it even sweeter. all of this meanssthe raven are becoming a team the whole nation wants to see. it will e their second prime time appearance this season. they of course, defeated the jets on monday night on week one. you're seeing that here. when you're the only game in town on a given night, it adds to a certain sense of excitement. the ravens are no exception to that rule. >> it's exciting to plaa.. our guys will e thrilled o be the only game. it will be a great environment, you know. it's going to be loud and at their place. our guys are comfortable with that, we have done it 10 times at the end of the season that we
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have been on that kind of environment on the road. we will be looking forward to it. it's going great for ouu guys. >> tonight is going to be a great atmosphere. i know our guys are excited. we played on monday night and this is the first thursday night opener. i don't want to say it feels like week one, but it definitely feels good that we have on a short week and we have a challenge ahead of us. our team relish challenges. a problem with the prime time game, it cuts down on the prep time. ordinarily the players have a half a day on monday and all of tuesday off. they don't even hit the practice field until today. later today, they will be getting on an airplane for atlanta. that is ot exactly an optimum situation, buu the ravens see it as something that has to be overcome. >> i know we're going to do our best. it's a short week. it's what is on your schedule, it's on yyur schedule, we deal with it. play the first game.s before we
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we knew what to exppct coming intt this game. we will be ready to play. >> we try to rest as much as possible, although that is tough with the short week. i think the coach is doing a great job of taking care of that. this week is mostly mental preparing for the game. after playing a physical game on sunday and having to turn around and travel and go to atlanta, that's a tough situation. but you know, that's -- now to the college game, navy sitting at 6-3. they're both eligible and coming %-against east carolina.t night that is going to get some attention and for theehead coach it's very good attention. the coaah has been named one of 15 finalists for the joe paterno national coach of the year award joining the likes of jim trestle, and iowa irk perrens.
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the award will be presented december 18th. that is your morning sports. i'm bruceecunningham, fox 45 morning news. no matter where you're from, we're looking for all of you ravens fans to send us photos showing off your purpleepride. go to and click on the community features section. coming up later on fox 45 morring newss a speed camera operator accused of breaking the very laws he is supposed to help enforce. the photos that allegedly caught an area worker in the act. but next, considering buying gift cards this holiday season? the recent changes shoppers [ male announcer ] build your better breakfast at subway with the $2.50 breakfast combo. get a 16oz. cup of piping-hot seattle's best coffee and a savory new sunrise subway melt built fresh to your order for just $2.50. subway. build your better breakfast. boy we wish hadn't told you to start looking over your shoulder. ♪
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we were gonna sneak up on ya. ya know, with our 1.4 liter turbo charged engine and our six speed automatic transmission. shhhh... we're going hunting. it's civic season. ♪ the all-new chevrolet cruze. starting under $17,000. get used to more. ♪
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everybody wants them, both for practical reasons, as well as some of those things we want rather than need. >> there are new rules in place that are meant to protect us..3 one of them is that they're longer expiration dates. >> yes, now the balance on the card cannot expire for 5 years. >> okay. >> what you want to make sure particularly on bank gift cards, the cards may expire, just like our credit ards do, remember on the bottom it has an expiratioo. the plastic card may expire, but the gift balance cannot expire for 5 years. >> for he card itself, you just get a newwone.
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>> absolutely. you just got to remember to do that. increased disclosure to consumers is part of the regulation. >> thats that's a big one. we got to know what are the hidden fees. what are the terms and conditions of those cars. if you are buyinggnew one's they should be on the packaging and if you have old ones, you should be able to find that innormatiin out from the store, the retailer. >> this one, think ii crazy, one whole year, there are fees.r a a year, there used to be cardfor fees. >> not the case anymore. >> the first 12 months hey can't charge a maintenance fee. ttat is what they call it. after that one year, they can charge one ee per month, but there's no cap on that fee. so some banks go back to bank cards, some the bank cards are charging $2.50 a month, every month you don't use it, it will whittle away at that balance. p> those are the things that are
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enacted to keep you safer, but there's things you can still think about? >> terms and conditions are big ones. you want to make sure that you're looking at can you replace the card if it's lost or stolen? can you use it online purchases, is it just for the retail store or can you use it online? those are the things. read the fine print and spend it. when you get it spend it? >> no probllm, thank you. >> absolutely no problem there. if you would like more infoomation on the better business bureau, you can log on to cominggup a baby koala recovering ever a brutal attack, what sent the female joy to an australian wildlife hospital. >> reporter: what do you think you're looking at here, a garden, maybe a greenhouse? how about a rooftop, yes, in baltimore. i'm oel d smith, we will tell you why this could be th
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my "me time" is when i thought i parked on level 2. or maybe 8? my "me time" is when there's a 10% chance of rain! [ cellphone rings ] my "me time" is when he doesn't get the hint. ♪ my "me time"... [ bang ] is when everybody's takin' shots at me. [ male announcer ] discover you time anytime. mccafé your day with a mcdonald's frappé. smooth and icy caramel or mocha blended just for you and topped with a decadent drizzle. "me time"! [ male announcer ] the simple joy of a frappé. ♪
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holly has something she'd like to say. bye, camry.
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welcome back to fox 45 morning news. 7:33 is the time. i'm patrice harris. let's get a heck of our forecast as we head into wednesday. meteorologist steve fertig is here. should be a prettyyday with a lot of sunshine and winds that should be diminishing after a few days that were kind of gusty. weere looking at a pretty day %-the cooler at hagerstown at 3. we will see the temperatures climb up to 60 degrees or so for the high with mainly cleaa skies. that's what we're seeing on sky watch hd radar with lear skiis.
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the high pressure will help to bring those a little bit. thmainly sunny all the way throh saturday. near 60 degrees all the way chance of rain comee untilt best thursday. to take a look at what is happening on the roads, candace3 dold is here. ú% reporter: thank you, steve. we have a congested ride on the southbound lanes, pretty much the usual deal doon toward the beltway. speaking of the beltway, the outer loop lanes, a slow go 29 minutes, a 29 miles per hour. ti!!then, matters get worse fro5 down toward 95, 24 minutes, sppeds drop to 27 miles per hour. that's a look at your morning travels. patrice, over to you.
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first on fox, exclusive pictures of what appears to be speed camera operators speeding down the road. megan gilliland is along 695 where the cameras have been turned. good morning, megan. >> eporter: good morning, to all of you. the speed cameras have been operating here n these work zones for about a year now. the cameras re actually operated out of vehicles like this one just over my shoulder here. they snap pictures as cars go zooming past, but take a look at what happens when the cameras are turned. sunday afternoon, a driver going 80 miles per hour claims to have caught one of those speed camera vehicles speeding right past him. he says the speed camera vehicle was flying down i-70 for 10 miles showing no signs of slowing. %-the cameras around. to turn using his i-phone, he captured the vehicle with the safe speed program in the act. >> they think they can't get tickets, they can't get in trouble, because they're the ones issuing the ticket.
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that is messed up. that is the only reason i took the video. if it wws a ups truck speed, i wouldn't care. >> the vehicles are operated about a safe company that administrators the program. -ake sure that doesn't happen >> reporter: so far we haven't seen any speed operators she haddinshespeeding down this. and to take a look at how you are doing, actually under the3 speed limit. i'm megan gilliland. fox 45 morning news. police make a major pot bust in south baltimore. two men were arrested after police seized 400 marijuana plants growing from a greenhouse. police say vincent davis and 29 years old jesse duffy were behind the operation. the warehouse in curtis avenue had been under surveillance for weeks. >> it was all over thhre last night. it was a bunch of them. they had the squads, had every everybody over there. apparently there was drugs overú
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there. but you know, i just want to say, the cops did a very good job. >> poliie say with so many plants an elaborate ventilation system had been put in place to ravens running back ray rice finds himself in some twitter trouble. yesterday rice tweeted that he got pulled over by police for haaing illegally tinted windows but that he got out of ticket. he tweeted, quote, i gave the and he let me go.aph for his son few thht comment back fired after people started saying rice got special treatment. rice responded saying his twwet wasn't clear and he offered the autograph after he got the warning. a former frostburg state university student accused f murder will hear his sentence today. tyrone hall is accused of killing brandon carroll a school basketball player. tyrone plead guilty to chhrges last month which limits his
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possible time to eight years. the woman who lied about having cancer and scammed thousands of dollars from sympathetic friends gets additional jail time. 38 years old dina leoni was sentenced to 16 years behind bars for the scam..3 now she has been sentenced to another six years, because the scam is a violation of probation from previous cases where she fraud. a conservation company in north baltimore is practicing what it preaches. start ago the top with -- starting at the top with aú specify green roof. joel d smith is on top of that roof to show us why this idea could as result in a lot of ggd things. >> reporter: we got the green roof. they're doing work here. the interesting thing about this green roof is there's not a lot in the area but this is toward bringing the bees in anddmaking them happy.
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more bees help the pollination and install the work sources instead. you put this one together with green roof service. not a lot of these in the area but you're trying to change that. what do you think would change that and ggt youumore invooved with this? >> allo we have to bring out the world like today to tell the people the advantages of the green roof that they retain a lot of and help with theeheating and cooling bills. that they create an environment for conscious thinking. >> reporrer: those are the things on the good side. cost is a factor. it's how much more per square foot. >> it's probably double the waterproofing when you add the green roof. >> reporter: that is a big difference, but we are trying to change that thought process here. in the city, does it matter if it's an urban envirrnment, or how is that a benefit or not?
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>> it's a benefii. people can take advantage f it and this particular approach, acttally the honey bees take advantage of it.ú we help the bees to have a good environment, find food sources and help the other plants beyond the green roof to pollinate them. >> repprter: weeare standing here, and talk more about his accent. he is not from hhree and that is part of the reason he knows so much about this. we will talk about that next. until then, fox 45 morning news. a baby koala is fighting for its life after being shot 15 times. the female joy was discovered in the wild on friday and is now in critical condition at ann3 australian animal hospital. authorities are still looking for the person responsible. change could be coming to oriole park. the baltimore orioles say they are looking to widen seats in the club level and upper deck. now that does mean the number of seats at the park would drop by a couple oo thousand.3
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the orioles also plan on adding less intrusive railings and drink rails on the club level. if approved, the renovations would be made during the off season. the maryland baltimore ill be -- the maryland zoo in baltimore will be open to visitors. they plan to keep the zoo open from monday through friday from 10 to 4:00 throughout january ask february. that is if the weather allows it. ticket prices will be lower during that time. $8 for adults and 5.50 for kids. this is the first time ttat the zoo is open durrng the winter months. as you may kkow the issue of what cable companies like to carry broadcast stations like fox 45 has been in the news lately. is t worth $2 a month tos. we provide to you. that includes everything we show you over the course of a month. that is things like the super bowl, glee, the world series, american idol, house, and yes,
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of course all of here on the fox 45 morning news and all the llcal news we provide six hours a day. that is $2 per month for every bit of our programming, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. now before you answer, think think about what you pay for other entertainment. a ravens ticket will cost you $55. a single video game like madden, that is around $60. and orderingga movie from comcast, it will cost you $5, even if you get a movie from netflix, that is one. that is for a movie that lasts a couple of hours. we offer the best entertainment value, and $2 a monthhwhich works to something like $0.6 a we want to hear from you our viewers, should cable and satellite providers use $2 from the fees thee already collect for you you to continue go to and tell
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us when you think. text your answer to 45203, enter fox 45a for yes or fox 45b for nn. coming up it promises to pass the drip test every time. >> i'm not sure i want tooput that my head. %-will it work test.mop to the and you arr taking a live look at the beltway at old court road. those lanes aae completely ú%lled with cars all the way down toward liberty road. i will show you what parts
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while 5 moisturizers leave hair healthy. selsun blue. got a clue? get the blue.
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i need a home performance with energy star audit. this sensor will show why my living room gets too hot and too cold! get up to $2,450 dollars in rebates and keep saving with home performance with energy star. get started at well in back. it's severn 45:00 n this wednesday morning. what promises to be a pretty day today with a lo oft sunshine like yesterday. temperatures close to the same
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place. sky watch hd radar kaight a inca -40 %greedes andpartly cloudy at the inner harbor. variable winds but certainly the winds quite down. 40 is the dew point. we have teeperatures in the 40s throughout the area, 1 exception eing hagerstown, but3 everybody else mid-40s. low pressure moves off into the atlantic. high pressure builds in more so. we have the northerly flow. it's still going to be a mild day because of the down sloping winds and also we will get plenty of sunshine here as high pressure gets further overhead. and then low pressure moves in by next week, but not until tuesday or so when we see the next best chance for some rain of the even then it will be a 30% chance. for today, and for the next3 several days, plenty of sunshine, a little more cloud cover and a high of 58. winds will be a little stronger toward the eastern shore where yoo will be closer to the low pressure center out in the atlantic. 61 degrees for high temperature
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with the humidity actually not playing much of a role today, with plenty of sunshine with the dry air in place and north winds at 5-10 miles per hour for the natural par part of the state. north winds at 5-10 miles per hour. tonight 39 degrees for the overnight low with mainly clear skies and north wind at 5-10 miles per hour. after 61 todayy veterans day looks pretty with a lot of sunshine, a couple of degrees cooler with 58 degrees, 61 degrees and mostly sunny to partly cloudy on friday. and showers on tuesday with a -igh of 57. now for a look at what is happening on the roadways with regard to the commute this morning. candace dold has the traffic edge. candace. >> reporter: well, steve, right now we're talking about tte actual speedsson 95 and whitemarsh. in fact, 13 miles per hour on those southbound lanes and look at this, the ride at the top end the beltway at harford road 7 miles per hour as for the jfx23 miles per hour there. we do need to talk about an
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accident across the westbound lanes at route 50 right at 97. in fact, let's take a live look at the area and see how things are shaping up. we have had our fair share of delays because of the accident scene. nowwit's going to be the delays in. here is 97, near 695, that is delayed because of an accidenn on the inner loop lanes of the beltway right at 97. as for 97, taking a live look moving at route 1000 it's been relatively calm there. that continues to be the case, in fact, very light activity in both directions. the beltway traveling at frederick roadd that is going to be he same idea that the traffic is flowing freely, both the inner and outer loop lanes toward 695. that's a look at the morning travvls. patrice, back to you. the holiday movie season is about to kickoff with what is sure to be a big hit. harry potter and deathly hollows part 1 of the epic finale is in threaters everywhere on november 19th. it's the 7th installment in the harry potter movie series.
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you can see it before everyone else. the 4th and 5th caller right now at (410)481-4545 get a family 4 pack tickets to the screening. -p we want to know what you think. should cable and satellite providers use $2 of the fees they already collect for you to continue receiving fox 45
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should cable ask satellite providers use two of fees they collect for you to continue receiving fox 45 programming. sabrina says most of my favorite shows are on fox so i wouldn't mind paying $22 one oo our twitter responders
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says, yes, fox is worth it. i moved from florida to maryland fan. joe weighed in on our website and said, absolutely not. local broadcast television networks such as fox 45 are paid for by advertising. any fee imposed will be carried over to us, the customer. if the local broadcast networks feel the need to collect a fee from viewers, then they should be able to provide commercial free programming. roy, says, no, because you think comcast is going to part with only $2? no they're going to use your fee to raise their rates not by $2 or by 10 or more so they can get a profit from it. >> merril says it's free over the air, with all of the commercials, it'ssalready pavement enough. >> this is an ongoing debate that will continue to go on.
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coming up later, the artist responsible for this year's ú%racle tie collection. what do you do if you get a spill like this. >> next the smart mop claims to have the answer. find out if it's worth
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the chevy malibu was designed to catch the eye... but great design is also what you don't see. like dependability, a one-hundred thousand-mile, five-year powertrain warranty and being named a consumers digest best buy three years running. it's easy to see why over a thousand people a day are switching to chevy. qualified lessees can get a low mileage lease on this 2011 malibu ls for around one ninety-nine a month. call for details. the switch to chevy starts at
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we all know hat the kitchen is a danger zone when it comes to making a mess. one product claims it can super soak your spills. the smart mop is designed to soak upp10 times its weight, but can it soak up high scores. whether you're at home or at work? f we share this kitchen.ú >> the kitchen tends to be ground zero when it comes to crying over spilled soda.
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>> it's a constant mess. >> but one problem claims it's the solution to all of your spills. >> what do you do if get a spill over your kitchen floor. >> the mop claims that it puts 3 new twist on an old rag. >> you lift and you twist. to prove it, i will hold it over my head. >> will the smart mop bring out some results. we put it to tte will it work test. >> we put the smart mop into your bucket. >> bring it out and soak up the spill. >> but the mop seems to be saturated before we mop up the mess and the no drip design. >> i'm not sure i want to put >> bring it back into the glass and it's ready to drink all over. >> next we made a different kind of mess. but when we get ready by ringing out the mop. >> i was ringing the water out and it kind of cracked.
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>> the handle broke an essential part of no wring design. >> it worth it for $14.99. >> it's not doing very good. >> so will it work? >> the lady got to its limit and stoppedd >> horrible. >> well, if you would like more information, you can log on to links. coming up in our 8:00 hour, we're giving away another pair of tickets to part one of the harry potter finale. stayytuned for your chance to win. i'm joel d smiih up on maybe the future of roofs in this area, a green roof here. up next we will tell you why this vegetation is so specific, whh it could rule the tweet. rule the bedtime.
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rule the upload. verizon built america's most reliable network to make a more powerful you. rule the air. verizon. right now, you can get a new samsung fascinate for $199.99 after mail-in rebate. only at verizon.
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inside and it's supposed to slow you down. >> i was just thinking what a big jerk. >> a mobile speed camera driver caught speeding, how fast he was going when this video was recording. a relaxing vacation comes to a halt. the plans to get passengers on a stranded cruise ship home safely ♪ ♪ michael jackson ♪ ♪ and his first posthumous song is an internet sensation, what michael jackson's family really thinks about the single. good morning. it's wednesday, november 10th. a beautiful shot of the sun coming up over the city of baltimore. i wonder if we will feel that
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sun today? good morning, i'm patrice harris. meteorologist steve fertig is here with that answer to that question. will we feel all warm and fussy. >> it's comfortable not due tt the sun shine, but because of the comfortable temperatures. >> we will provide the comfort for yyu. >> take a look.ú here is what we got or you. i shoulln't say we are going to ú%ovide it. it will be mother nature. it looks drr right now. it's 50 degrees in bbltimore. 50 in d.c., comfortable as you look at the upper 40s. 45 degrees at the bus stop this morning, generally speaking this morning it's been a clear day and it will be a clear afternoon as temperatures get up to 61 degrees with all of that sun and just a few clouds mixed in. we will take a look at how long the 60s are going to llst in a few minutes.
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candace dold.'s take a look at she hassthe traffic edge. >> reporter: let's see, we're talking aboot the beltway, the usual stretch that is seeing the slow flow. that is going to be bumper to bumper right near 70 and even that backing up near liberty road. in fact, from 795 down ttward 95 we are n the red the entire stretch, 29 minutes, 22 miles per hour. from 95, uu toward 83, a 34-minute ride, 18 miles per hour and look at this, 95 whitemarsh toward the beltway, the volume continues to build, 15 minutes, 15 miles per hour there. >> that's a look at the morning travels, patrice, over to you. thousands of marylanders had been caaght on camera speeding, but what happens when the spped camera operator is caught on speeding? speed cameras have been working on interstate work zones for a
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year now. they are operated out of vehicles and snap pictures when the cars go zooming past. take a look at what happens when the cameras are turned. sunday after, a driver going 80 miles per hour claims to have caught a speed camera vehicle going past him. he was flying down 70 for at least 10 miles showing no signs of slowing. the driver decided to turn the cameras around using his own i-phone. he captured the vehicle with the safe speed program in the act. >> i knew the vehicle that takes pictures foo cars of speeding. i knew it was on the last lane and passing all of the other cars. i waa thinking what a big jerk. they're giving out tickets to people, and you know, they're speeddng themselves. i don't think it's right. >> the vehicles are owned by a private company that administrators the safe program. highway officials tell us they are addressing the issue to make sure that it doesn't happen again. maryland is under scrutiny
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after an audit shows a lapse in the finances. the audit reveals the prison paid $23,000 in bank fees because of poor accounting. it found that workers had access to blank checks. >> well, the state right now has a $1.6 billion deficit. we can't afford $23,000 here, $5,000 here, or anything else. all of these things add up. ú%the state is now investigating. and that is not the only fraud happening in prison. a stayed audit finds maryland corrections employees have been stealing money from inmates accounts on a regular basis. -orrection officials say they have made changes to reform and fired five employees. the audit finds the theft occurred at five baltimore prisons. a mysterious site n the size over los angeless that the defense apartment on alert. experts and government officials are scrambling to explain what
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this is. some are concerneddit might be a missile, but so far the pent donpentagonsays there's no evido support a foreign launch. tug boats are working to pull the splendor and the 4500 passengers and crew to a poot near. the electricity went out and no one was hurt.ú soldiers bassd out of fort meade will have a new place to turn if they find themselves in need of help. tte ribbon cctting for a new scheduled for today. the place is 4500 sq. ft. and provide a place to object cane counsellng and learn about %-for outside services.frrals >> we are honoring our nation's heros with a special soldiee salute. julia sent us this piiture of she is stationed if japan with the navy.
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you can send us your picture of millitary frienns or family members, and we will honor them ú%th a special soldiee salute. send your photos to pics at or go to and click on the soldier saluue in the hop ht topic tab. a warehouse in baltimore is going green starting at the top and the results could affect why you food. joel d smith is at the top of that buildling in north west baltimore. good morning, joel. >> reporter: let's explain that part right away. we have a roof here that is very unique and has special plants that are meant to attract bees, and healthy environment ann they pollinate all of that food. that is what we're talking about here. we have yuron and that name doesn't seem like something from baltimore. >> reporter: baltimore. >> no, it's from jeremy. i like to be here and i like to bring the technology over. >> reeprter: how popular is it in europe.
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>> it's popular in europe. new construction of green roofs in the u.s. maybe 2 million currently. >> reporter: we have a lot ofú improvement to get there. >> it's basically a sled roof. it's a large area ann it's in a neighborhood where you have a lot of impervious materials. >> repprter: and storm water run off, that is a big advantage, right some. >> absolutely. this roof will retainnover the year 50 or 60 or more percent of the actual rain.ú it's a big elief for the entire sewer system. >> reporter: everything soundd good, guys, but when t comes down to the reason not to do this, cost. it definitely costs more than a -raditional roof. that is something to get ver. they're looking at incentives from the city or nation to change that. right now it costs a lot. >> hopefully more people will get on board. i know it costs a little up front, but in the long front it
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really makes a big difference. >> reporter: it makes big difference and it can save on cooling and heating having ano energy roof like this. it may cost $10,000 for a tradition alhome. $5,000 forra row home. you are helping the environment. you can't put a cost on that. major drama over the release of aanever before heard michael jackson song. ♪ ♪ is this really the king of pop's voice? we will tell you who is going head-to-head in a heated discussion on twitter. and i'm emily gracey live at ♪
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♪ [ female announcer ] bursting with mouth-watering real fruit and refreshingly blended with creamy, low-fat yogurt. mcdonald's new strawberry banana and wildberry smoothies are 100% pure sipping fun. the simple joy of real fruit smoothies. ♪
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@ tie charity into the holiday season..3 you can buy a miracle tie and support pediatric patients at john hopkins center. meteorologist emily gracey is live at the hometown hot spot. i'm bummed up that i gave my tie away. i'm missing it. >> you should be bummed out. they are beautiful ties designed by the children here. we have all of the artists here ú%is morning. they are all sold by jos a bank. tell me about the popularity of these ties. it seems like a great christmas present. -re they flying off theeshelves. >> they are so popular. >> it'ssgreat to see a meaaingful be so popular with the public. there's a select assortment available at stores nationwide. >> reporter: i'm joined by madison as well. you designed this tie, correct? >> yep. >> repooter: what is on it. ú% it's christmas trees with snow coming down. >> reporter: where did you
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get thh idea for that? >> i was thinking about the holidays. >> reporter: you're were in reaay for christmas. >> tell me again why you like your monkey tie. >> because i act like a monkey and i climb like a monkey. >> reporter: all right, the kids are great this morning. and i'm joined by patrice. now where is all the proceeds from these ties going to something very special, where is it going? >> all of the money stays here in baltimore the at the john hopkins children's center. it helps us do programs and buy toys and equipment that we can't normally do without this support. >> reporter: you can purchase a tie of your own at jos bank. people across america will bb wearing the tie today. you can go to a ood day to do shopping. the temperatures will be in the low 60s here this morning. we will have mostly sunny skies and just a light wind. i'm joined here also by leei, the art ist of the tie that
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patrice is wearing it, you're wearing, it and steve is weariig this tie. steve do you like the tie. >> reporter: i love it. i'm going to ask her for more all new colors. >> good idea. >> reporter: i'm going to have to buy a few and go and support the cause. what a greattcause it is. a greet day to go out there as emily was indicating. a dry one with temperatures that will be a joy. 61 degrees for the high. by degrees where we're at the inner harbor with partly cloudy skies, northwest winds at 8 miles per hour. last couple of days when they were gusting. the high pressure builds in. 40 is the point. temperature wise we're in the upper 40s to near 50 throughout the state. the low pressure moves further offshore, very slowly, though, high pressure builds in and we're going to bet the northerly flow and aaso a lot of sunshine %-getting closer over us and helping the winds to continue to diminish today. the next chance of rain doesn't come until the low pressure center comes our wwy byythe
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%-otherwise here is what we got for the high temperature today, it pretty much stays here through the eek. up around 58 degrees around the eastern shore where it will be cooler. partly cloudy skies, breezy there, too at a 10-20-mile-an-hour wind. the central part of the state, a 10-20-mile-annhour wind. get up to 61 degrees like yesterday and plenty of sunshine ú% enjoy. a high of 61 degrees. tonight look for temperatures to drop to 39 degrees under mainly clear skies. tomorrow, 58 degrees for your veterans day with a lot of sunshine. 60 degrees and 62 for your friday and saturday, 51 on sundaa. a few more clouds, 58 and 57 for monday and tuesday. tuesday is next best chance, like i said of some showers, even then only a 30% chance. look at what is happening onnthe roadways. candace dold has the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve and good morning. we continue to check the actual speeds for you this morning. right now on 95, we defiiitely have a slow go. in fact, 9 miles per hour on the southbound lanes through whitemarsh. 6 miles per hour on the top end
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of the beltway and 15 on the jfx. we are talking about a big time backup on the inner loop lanes of the beltway beccuse of an accident at 95. let's take a live look at 695, traveling at 97 and again, it's going to beethe congestion there. you will find more as you approach the accident scene because only one lane is squeezing by. farther up on the beltway, let's take a live look and see how things are shaping up through thattlooks much better, inner and ooter loop lanes, the traffic is flowing freely. the liberty road, the dreaded spot, let's see how that is working down toward the triple bridges, we definitely had our continues to be the case all the way down toward the 630 boulevard. that is a look at commute. patrice, back to you. leah michelle was there to help conano brian to help him kickoff his show. what challenge she faced when she was younger.
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and fans waited for months for the release of this never before heard michael jackson song, but is t genuine??3
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hollywood is full of news and we're getting the insiid scoop with tinsel town tweets. who are we talking about today? >> we're going to talk about the legend, michael jackson. even after his death, michael continues to make the headlines. on monday morning, his song breaking news debuted on his official website. it addresses the jackson's relationship with the media. why don't you listen in.
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take a listen. ♪ verybody is walking in the feet of michael jackson ♪ ♪ stalking the moves of michael jackson ♪ ♪ when you started ♪ it was twisted. >> in true form, the song is leading to controversy, of course. if fact, there's debate on twitter. michael's nephew tj jackson. says there's many mj impersonators but there's only one michael jackson. they will never fool me. why they would ignore the and rush a track that was not on my uncle's radar is disappointing and saddened. >> sony records fired back with this statement sayiig it had complete confidence in the results of our extensive research as well as the accounts of ttose who were in the studio where michael that the vocals on the new album are his own.
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in addition, michael's long time producer, manager says it's indeed jac jackson's voice. and regardless there's the album michael that is available next month. it features, newly completed recordings from the legend's archives. >> we listeneddto it a few times at the newsroom. it's a little suspect. >> i think it is, too. you have sony records versus family. >> his family should know him. >> exactly. >> we will have to see. this. we will continue monitor that? the next tweet is about something that has been a lot in the headlines. the return of conan o'brien. had the best time at conan tonight, so leah did help to kickoff the premier of conany's premier.
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he talked about the gq spread. she said when she was younger, her paaticipants said she couldn't sing. obviouuly, she proved them wrong. >> people tell me i can't sing now, there's still hope for me. >> maybe there's hope. the last one, i got to tell you aboutt he is not from hol wad hollywoo3 want to talk about one sell bretcelebrity, ray rice. he tweeted that he got pulled over by police for hhving illegal tinted windows. he tweeted, quote i gave the officer an autograph for his son and he let me go. the comment caused backfire after people started saying rice got special treatment. he responded saying his tweet wasn't clear and he offered the autoggaph after the warning. >> see this is the problem when people want to tweet and say everything about their lives, they put too much information out there and it comes back to haunt you. >> he had to address the media.
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>> we wouldn't have known about it just keep doing it on the field. that's what we care about. we want to keep you updated on the news whether it's from hollywood or here in baltimore. make sure to join us on twitter. go to and click on twitter under the community features section. here is a wake-up call for3 you. drowsy driving is blamed for one out of 8 deadly crashes. how to know if you're just tired or too tired to drive. and a performance by april and a performance by april smith in the great these sausage pancake bites are an amazing combination. combine that with the taste, and it's a combo combo. huh? dunkin's new sausage pancake bites. sausage inside maple-flavored pancake -- 3 for just $1.59. america runs on dunkin'.
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[ car alarm blares ]
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we got this. holiday decorating runs on dunkin', with our delicious gingerbread lattes. hurry in today. america runs on dunkin'.
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enjoy the sounds of an up and coming band. the band april smith and the great picture show performmd at the kennedy center yesterdaa. they are here joining us this morning when they will be playing next? >> good morning, guys. >> how was yesterday's concert. i heard tina fay was the big person of honor there. >> it was cool. >> that had to be a lot of fun. >> we made tina fay a special drum head that we made to her. >> ttll me about your band. what kind of music do you do? >> it's sort of like a retro pop sound. it's 1930s and 40s with a modern spin. >> you have been doing this for how long? >> for a few years now. >> this song you're going to do for us.ú >> it's movie loves the screen. >> and the next time we can see you guys in the area the auto bar in december.
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>> that's right. >> that is coming up retty soon. >> i think it's december 3rd. >> let's get a preview of what you can do, december 4th. >> december 4th. >> all right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ give back to us when you're through ♪ ♪ i just want to make something new ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ i just want toomean something to you ♪ ♪ i do ♪ i just want to mean something to you ♪ ♪ ooh ♪ i just want to mean ssmething to you ♪ ♪ [applause] >> thank you. >> we're going to break it.
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@ welcome back to fox 45 morning news. 8:30 is the time. i'm patrice harris. good morning, i'm megan gilliland. let's check in with meteorologist steve fertig, a littleewindy start to the day but breezy. that is going to diminish and look forward to a nice day,
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temperatures getting to up 61 degrees for the high. really not bad. you're showing hd radar which is showing a dry start to the day. 48 in salisbury and 43 in hagerstown. looking at the bus stop forecast and it's 45 degrees, actually a little bit warmer now. that was a tad earlier. 61 is where we're going for high temperatures today with a lot of sun. enjoy it, it should be nice indeed and we look forward to remaander of the week. we will tell you about that in a few minutes. candace. >> reporter: thank you, steve, we're dealing with an earlier accident on the westbound lanes of at 50 at 97.3 look at this, the damage is already done. it's very lengthy delay approaching 97, so xpect that to cost you a few extra minutes in you're traveling in the area this morning. let's talk about the beltway. the outer loop lanes it's in the red as well from 95 up toward 83, 39 minutes at 15 miles per hour. taking it from 83 up toward 795,
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a 14 minute clip. 24 miles per hour there. and the dreaded west side on 795 toward 95. ú%at's a look at the morning travels, patrice and megan, back over to you. here are the stories we're following this morning, a former frrstburg state universsty accused of murder will hear his sentence toddy. tyrone haul is accused of killing a 20 years ol 20 brandoa school basketball player. he plead guilty last no which limits toys time behind bars toú 8 yearss firefighters put out a fair garrison boulevard near clifton. it happened an hour ago. fortuuately nobody was hurt bbt firecrews had to put ladders near the building so people could climb down from their balconies. today washington state is expected to ban the alcohol
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energy rink for loco. nine central washington university students got ssck after consuming the drink at an off campus party last month. a 16-ounce can comparable to drinking 5-6 beees. ♪ no matter how tired you are, when that alarm goes off, you got to get up. you wake your eyes, get up the kids and hop in the car. unfortunately driving drowsy results in more and more deaths this year. we are joined this morning with a big wake-up call. good morning. >> good morning. >> thank you or being here. this is something a lot of people do no do not think about. you got to get o work and school, how do you know that you're too tired? >> the national sleep foundation has targeted this to be aware of
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specifically driving while drowsy. it's because a recent survey showed that 1 out of 3 americans actually admit that they fall asleep at the wheel at some point. >> and a lot of them, we're looking at 1 in 8 resulting in deaths because offthat? >> right. so the math then is that we have completely understatemented the fatality raae related to a correctable problem that is being more awake and alert before you get mind the wheel and start driving. >> sleep is the number one answer to that problem, what about energy drinks, what about taking that 5 hour energy shot before you get in the ar or do anything like that? do you recommend that, is that sai some. >> in the sleep center we rye to minimize the use of aafeine and look at other reasons why people are sleepy. if you're going to be impaired in terms of driving, actually one or cups of coffee will give you 2-4 hours of alertness that at least will offset the dangers of falling asleep mind the wheel. in that situation, caffeine is
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not a bad answer. >> not a bad answer. how about when it comes to the sleep, how much should you be getting a night, what is the recommended amount? everyone says eeght. >> it's 7 to 9 is a good rule of thumb. sleep depride. the true average is more like six hours. >> that sounds about right. >> we need to be targeting something closer to 8 hours, but 7-9 would be a good rule of thumb. >> if you are tried mind the %-starting to feel drowsy, what are some other signs you need to watch out for when it's time to ppll over. >> that's a good point, most people under recognize the drowsiness that they have wwile they're ddiving. they will fight it and realize they have trouble focusing and having problems with ttention. obviously the later signs hitting rumblistics rumble sticd swerving into another lane. get off the road and pull and maybe have some caffeine.
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have somebody like on the holiday drive be in the car with somebody else who can alternate ú%iving with you. >> put the christmas tunes on, and keep you awake and sing along to it. >> hopefully this helps, just not this week. this is when we're recognizing, but throughout the year, too. we are seeing this a lot lately. >> yeah, i think that with daylight saving time it's also relevant, because with darkness promotes sleep. driving you should try to minimize driving while you normally are sleeping duriig your normal sleep times and at night you got to be extra careful about the propensity to -all asleep unnxpectedly. there are things called micro sleeps. you can call asleep for 3 to 4 seconds without knowing it's happening. >> we can see how dangerous that is. doctor, thank you for coming. >> thank you very much. for more information on drowsy driving and the warning signs, log on to our website, and if you have an idea for our
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next family 411 segment, you can send me an e-mail. coming up stress comes in a varvariety of ways, over eating, ú%ind ur teeth and what you need no order to combat those habits. the chance to win new cd and how to qualify to win a home theater or
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8:39 and we got a dry scan out there. looking at pretty sunshine and comfortable temperatures of the wind are out of the noothwest at 6 miles an hour and 60% relative
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humidity. we're going to look for plenty of ssnshine not just today but the next several days. as we remain in the same weather pattern. 48 in salisbury, 43 in magers town -- hagerstown and 45 out in oakland. high pressure is going to build more so and that will allow for to enjoy plenty of sunshine with comfortable tstles as we get into the low 60s, again. looking pretty good. we should enjoy again the northerly flow, the mild air and again, not too cool than it should be. 58 is the typical high temperature and we will be aaove that. 58 degrees for the eestern shore with partly cloudd skies and there ii will be breeeier with 10-20-mile-an-hour winds out of the north. the central part of the state gets up to 61 for the high much like yesterday. as we enjoy it, again, plenty of sunshine here. the winds at 5-10 miles per hour today thanks to the high center
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being closer. even more sunshine and northerly wind at 5-10 miles per hour. tonight mainly clear skies. ú% drop to 39 degrees so a little bit cooler, but still a little bit aaove where weeshould be for morning temperatures. morning winds at 5-10, and affer 61 today, veterans day looks very nice tomorrow with plenty %-cooler at 58, 60 on sunday wih plenty of sun and sunny on saturday witt a high of 62. things stay the same all through this week it looks like with a few more clouds on sunday, a high of 61 degrees. a tad cooler 58 on monday and in comes a chance of showers. even then only a 30% of chance of showers. here is candace dold with the traffic edge. candace. these delays won't ease up for us this morning as we head toward even the 9:00 hour. right now on 95, traveling at whitemarsh, 21 miles per hour, 15 miles per hour on the outer loop lanes at harford road. 35 miles per hour on the jfx and
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spinning avenue. it's going to be a tough ride. we are talking about an earlier accident on the westbound lanes let's take a live look at area and see how ticks ar things arep now. it just happened. it's going to be a bit congested through the area. on 97, traveling through anne arundel county, let's take a live look there and things are going to be looking very light. that continues to be the case, northbound and southbbund lanes. this is obviously not affected. it's going to be a bit congested on 95, traveling through howard county, especially near route 100. by the way in columbia, there's an accident completinn shut being down the eastbound lanes of 95. near thunder road, will you want to use route 100 as the alternate route there. back to you. sugar land's new cd is called the indecreed ib machine.
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that is just what you cannwin from fox 45..3 we are giving away a yamaha 7.1 channel theater in a box to one lucky viewer out there. that is the grand prize. the second place an ipod ano. we are going to take qualifiers and we will draw the grand prize on friday. >> you can qualify right now by being the 10th caller at each qqalifier gets a copy of brought to you by hollywood-- id casino. coming up managing your stress. what you need to know in order to calm your nerves. we are hearing about th
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the 2010 signature chef auction of baltimore supports the work of marsh of dimes. we are joined this morning with more. good morning. >> good morning, how are you some. >> good morning, thank you for being herr. i'm better when the guest brings >> the thought is we do great dinners all the time. you might have a nice pork roast that you have done, maybe a nice %-butter nut squash.rooms and a i took it and pureed it so i can make a sauce and on a piece of bread for a nice sandwich. there's the chob bat a. >> i scent it rosemary. >> use the mayonnaise and do the same with the shitake and use a
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little bit of italian herb. >> that looks great. now you're making me hungry. >> you have the pork and put it right on top. >> definitely something that is going to come in handy around thanksgiving, because we're going to have a lot of left overs around the house. -p>> this is something that is going to be coming up on the chef auction. tell us abouu that. >> the chef auction is monday on the marriott waterfront and it is on starting at 6:00 and it's a chef auction. %-supporting the marsh of dimes. and we have around the perimeter of the waterfront, we're serving food. everybody has their own little dish that they're serving and. >> is this one oo the things that will be there? >> i'm doing something a little different, but this is something that i did last year there. >> it will be a surprise for this year. >> it is. >> it will benefit the marsh of dimes. tell us what the marsh of dimesú does. >> the marsh of dimes mission is to save the babies, to prevent
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problems afterbirth. there's a 222 babies every week >> wow.n preterm. >> and that's before 37 weeks, so the opportunity there is to prevent any problems arising during that time. p> i cannot think of a better cause. thank you so much. i know you have something over here you wanted to show us, too beffre we wrap things up? this would be the dinner you might have had the night before. you can turn that into a beautiful sandwich. >> easy. >> we will get more ideas from you on monday. >> we can an come and see all of this? >> yes. >> if you would like more information and even a link to thii recipe, log on to bribrian, thank you. coming up how does your body show stress? do you grind your teeth or do you over eat? what you need to know to combat the stressful habits. we areegiving away tickets for you
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oh wow, look at that. calm down donkey. it's vacation time! ohhhhh, who says ogres can't surf? nice moves fiona. ha, ha, ha, i love 3d. wooo hooooo! [ shrek ] gingy? [ laughs ] do the roar. roar! marty, what's shrek doing on a cruise ship? looks like he's having fun! [ female announcer ] join the dreamworks experience for the ultimate vacation, only on royal caribbean.
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how do you react to stress, do you tense up in traffic or do you go with the flow? >> the first step to evaluate
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stress. >sttess can be a precursor to chronic stress that could lead to serious health risks such as heart problems. stress activities our nervous system and releases adrenaline and cort cortisone. chronic strrss can tax your the first step to reducing stress is analyzing how you rract to it. it includes pain, if you unintentionally clench your muscles in your neck and shoulders, it can cause stomach pain and headaches, and over eating. smoking, even if you quit, stress is a leading cause of smoking relapse. once you analyze the stress reactions be you can teach yourself stress managing techniques. coming up the next harry potter installment is coming to threaters. we have a chance for you to win
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screening tickets. it's coming p ext. a mom is going into labor with a backache. we will find out how she manages to givv birth to her own baby. 8:52 is the time. you are watching fox 45 morning news, all local all morning. blah ñ(
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we will talk about a surprise delivery. a mother in oklahoma thought she had a backache, but was actually in labor. >> she delivered the baby on her own, because he arrived before help could get there. maggie stokes hassthe story. >> you hear a woman being in labor for 15, 20 hours and hat being normal of the i wwsn't
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expecting 10 minutes after my would ter broke t -- water broke to have a baby out. >> reporter: but she was mistaken. she thought she needed to use the bathroom and right here is where easton was born 10 minutes later. >> i was able to send him a text message at 12:43 telling him my3 water broke. i sat down and caught the head. >> reporter: her husband made it home a few minutes later. >> he walked home and startled him at first. >> reporter: her husband had gone outside to call 911. >> my wife's water broke and she has had the baby. >> she has had the baby? >> she has had the baby. >> reporter: bbby easton and mom were reunited with two emergency responders who arrived moments lattr after she gave birth. >> they told me, if i was going
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to have anymore, i should probably camp out at the hospital. he was ready. >> do you want to wait. >> i have to look at candace on this. can you imagine? >> i cannot imagine, however,,i kind of had a fear that might happen. it doesn't happen that often. >> we want it had to happen on the air? >> here is the other thing, though, i was afraid it would happen sstting in traffic somewhere. what do you do some. >> amazing, 10 minutes. >> unfortunately, -- fortunately doing okay. it was a quick delivery. >> michael was too fast. he should take a time. >> he didn't look like he was going too fast. >> he knew the forecast was going to be beautiful. a lot of sunshine coming your way nd for the next seef days. it will be a nice weather pat
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ppttern. 58 tomorrow and it will dip toward veterans day, but a pretty day. 62 for saturday and 61, so things stay fairly uniform through the wwek on sunday and then we drop into the 50s for monday and tuesday. the next best chance of rain, and still only a 30% chance on tuesday. >> i love how the kids. >> he was classy. >> we had michael wineman here and he is 11 years old and he is in the 6th grade att3 clarksville,,! middle school. >> you are going to be doing full weather. you want to say hi to anybody first before you get started. >> my parents, my brothers and sisters and my friends. >> a lot of people. then he did the weather. >> he was so good at the weather. >> wait a minute what di did hey at end. >> you asked him of what he wanted to do when he was older. >> he wanted to work on the outside of their bodies and not on the inside. what he didn't tell us is that
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his dad is an anesthesiologist. >> he was good. >> he was very funny. he was terrific. the hol movie season is abouu to kickoff with what is to be a big hit, harry potter is n threaters on november 19th. you can see it before anybody else. >>the 4th and 5th callers right now at (410)481-4545 will be win a family 4-pack of tickets to the advanced screening of harry pottee and the deathly hollows. >> that is going to do it for us. we wwll see you back here tomorrow. >> have a great day.